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Two Minutes To Midnight

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:58 pm (Singapore time)

New Temple Exhibit

The Temple‘s latest exhibit
to remind students of a certain virtue

If you’re reading this the moment it was published, it’s now two minutes to midnight. Two minutes to the 22nd of September.

If you’ve been a regular reader to this blog, you’d have noticed something new on the top-right corner.

If you’re one of this year’s O-Level A-Maths students, it’s two minutes from being a month away from your first maths paper. Slightly longer if you only take E-Maths, but that’s beside the point.

If you’ve already gotten your prelim results, they might’ve given you a false sense of security or the shock of your life.

If you’re a LMBFH Syndrome sufferer, the latest word is that remaining spaces on His packed O-Level Foot has just gone blackmarket.

Regardless of who you are, do take two minutes to reflect on what you should do for the next month:

  1. Now that your prelims are over, shouldn’t you be spending more time on your O-Level Ten-Year Series (especially the past 5 years’ papers)? Should you still be revisiting those morale-sapping prelim papers from the top schools (afterall they’re set by egoistical teachers from egoistical schools), when you can’t even do the relatively easier TYS?
  2. When practising your papers, shouldn’t you be imagining yourself doing the actual exam in the exam hall? Shouldn’t you start timing yourself instead of taking half an hour to solve one miserable question, and then immediately call your friend to ‘celebrate’ your little success?

    Should you peek at the answer when you haven’t even finished your question? Or worse, should you peek at the answer before even attempting the question?

    Should you continue to deceive yourself?

  3. When you encounter a routine-looking question you think is too easy for your high level of intelligence, should you just mumble “I know this one!” to yourself and then skip it entirely? Would you do this in the actual exam? Are you so sure you’ve understood it completely and there’s no hidden ‘trap’?
  4. Should you get your papers marked, by yourself/friend/teacher/tutor?

    Do you really think with the influx of foreign cyborgs, 75% will get you an A1? Market talk is at least 85% for A-Maths and 90% for E-Maths! Do you know which topics are depriving you of your marks?

    Do you know where you stand?

  5. What time do you think your exams will be held?

    Should you still chiong those late night parties? Should you join yet another neverending Maple Story quest? Should you spend your nights away surfing blogs (except this one of course)? Should you be still watching football matches in the wee hours? Are you taking your exams in Liverpool or Manchester?

    Shouldn’t you try to sleep early, just for this month, in order to adjust to this year’s packed timetable when the time comes?

  6. Lastly, shouldn’t you put aside all things that might affect your focus and unduly takes time away from your studies?

    Afterall, don’t you think there will still be lots of time to settle your little love triangle, your your football rivalries, and to kaypoh other people’s blogs after your exams?

Ok your two minutes are up. The final leg of your epic journey towards Mathematical Nirvana (or … umm … otherwise) begins today. Treasure it well for it could very well be the most important month of your life.

Incidentally, Miss Loi’s two minutes are also up. Time to wash away her express facial mask and hoping that it will really solve her current pimples crisis this time.

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