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Miss Loi’s Million-Dollar Dream

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:39 pm (Singapore time)

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Miss Loi was tagged by WishBoNe, seventeen days ago to be exact.

The tag came just before the hectic September holiday period, and Miss Loi felt a little bad for not being able to respond till now (and for other tags as well – but let’s do this one at a time).

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Hopefully this will make up for the delay:

Miss Loi's Dream

Click to enlarge and
view what’s in the shopping bags!

Now USD 1 million is not really that much these days. In fact it’s probably peanuts to Singapore’s politicians. In comparison, Miss Loi’s aspirations are much more modest in nature:

  • First, have to pay off all outstanding loans (not shown in pic)
  • Have a MEGA shopping spree in all the great shopping capitals across the world!
  • Get a Honda S2000 to satisfy her fetish for convertibles. She did think of the BMW Z4 and the Porsche Boxster, but maintaining these cars would probably be prohibitive even if one has a million dollars.
  • And of course, being hopelessly lacking in any other working skills (apart from shopping), Miss Loi will always remain a humble tutor to satisfy her passion of teaching.

    As such effort would be spent on expanding The Temple.

    Maybe one day, you’ll see little Temples sprouting in every neighbourhood. Or come across her ad on TV or on flyers that come with your newspaper. Maybe Miss Loi will set up a Temple Fund to help needy students. Ah … long live the dream …

  • And whatever that remains will go into this black box called INVESTMENT. And this includes everything from funds to properties to whatever. Stuffs that Miss Loi always hear about but is hopelessly clueless to make sense out of them.

    Perhaps with a million dollars, there’s just a bit more time to sit back, take a sip of coffee and think about these sort of things, especially when the Korean drama’s storyline is getting boring.

There you have it. Miss Loi’s Million-Dollar Dream.

Miss Loi actually treated this as more than just a tag and enjoyed tremendously the process of creating the pic above. To her it felt as if she was drawing out her dream and future to provide her with a sense of purpose to her everyday life.

Now that this is done, it’s time to sit back, take a sip of coffee and arrow the following persons for this tag:

  1. Cris
  2. HighwayBlogger
  3. Xinyun

… as she continues to struggle to stay awake from the boring Korean drama.

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