Yay! The September term break is finally over! It’s been an epic week of intensely choking joss sticks smoke, intensely havoc students, and … umm … intense gastric pains 🙁
To ‘celebrate’ her temporary liberation from havoc students and gastric pains, Miss Loi decided to reward herself with some yummy ice-cream. And so fate has it that she approached an ice cream uncle in between some hardcore shopping at Orchard Road.
This ice cream uncle was unique. He actually sold them in cones of two sizes. Seeing that the size of the large cone could end up with her paying more for a visit to Mary Chia, Miss Loi decided to go for the small cone.
But here’s the twist: the uncle has two different types of small cones which he insisted are of the same size and volume. However, Miss Loi smelled a rat and a quick scan with her super-duper bionic eyes revealed the following:
It was indicated on the large cone (with base radius r mm and height h mm) that its volume is 320 mm3.
- Small cone A has a base radius of
mm and height of
- Small cone B is similar to the large cone, with a base radius of
Fears of Mary Chia aside, she still doesn’t want to be ripped off by this ice cream uncle! So can you help Miss Loi decide which cone (A or B) to get?
IMPORTANT: Miss Loi left her calculator in the car! So please don’t waste time trying to calculate stuffs like h and r! Also she’s kicking herself for also leaving in the car her textbook with the Similarity and Congruency chapter, the chapter that contains some obscure formulae for non-triangular figures which her students always never memorize!