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Happy Teachers’ Day

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:45 pm (Singapore time)

Teachers' Day Card To all the ‘Chers of Singapore, hope you’ve enjoyed the cutesy gifts and cards from your students, some of whom probably took precious time off their prelims studies to make them.

A shame really … the timing of this day, since it’s not even a common date across the world to begin with.

May you be rejuvenated by the recognition and homage you deserve, for your monumental effort in this era of rebellious internet-enabled students, elaborate lesson plans, multiple CCAs, and lengthy torturous staff meetings … a time when we all acknowledge that teaching has become increasingly challenging, especially if you’re one of those who joined the profession simply to teach.

Nonetheless, here’s wishing all ‘Chers a Happy Teachers’ Day!

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