Miss Loi avatar

Ping.sg Advertisement – Meet Miss Loi

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:04 pm (Singapore time)

There’s currently a mini ad campaign started by the sweet guy who did the so-very cute ad for Miss Loi. It basically calls for Ping.sg members to create an ad for themselves (within certain rules), thereby promoting Ping.sg at the same time.

Now Miss Loi is never a regular at Ping, and never could find time off her intensive tuition schedule for their meetups and camwhoring activities (sometimes she really thinks she’s too old for these things :P).

And even though Miss Loi is never one to blindly follow fads and trends, she was sufficiently intrigued by some of the cool ads put up by various members (admittedly, some of them looked like they’ve just bumped into ghosts) that she decided to join in the fun as well.

Hope she’s not too late for this:

Ping.sg Advertisement - Meet Miss Loi

Of course Miss Loi, with her prehistoric Photoshop skills, couldn’t have created this. These were the instructions she gave Trusty Webmaster when she demanded begged requested (in a sweet voice) for his help:

Your advertisement must meet these criterias:
Size: 600 X 450 pixels
Font: Microsoft Sans Serif, 36, Strong
Font Colour: White
Phrase: Meet XXX. He/She just got Pinged. Have you?

A Ping.sg logo must always be at the top your picture.

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