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Boys Don’t Cry

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:02 pm (Singapore time)

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You first heard it from Japanese Whispers, but you wondered where’s the Catch. After all you’ve been waiting for A Night Like This since you were a Primary kid, catching The Caterpillar in A Forest In Between Days in school, and you could’ve waited for another One Hundred Years.

When the news broke, you might just be Standing On A Beach with a mobile phone in your hand, Staring At The Sea, staring at the sand.

Snapping out from that silly Lullaby of a Lovesong played at the beachside bar, you jumped into the nearest taxi, taking care not to knock The Head On The Door, much to the annoyance of the long queue at 10:15 Saturday Night.

Songs from the whole of Ten Imaginary Years played in your head as you made The Walk to the ticket booth.

To your mighty relief, tickets are still available else you would’ve been so Hot Hot Hot!!! that even Killing An Arab is Never Enough to stem your wrath.

The transaction was done in exactly Seventeen Seconds, but the joy would last you at least A Thousand Hours. You proudly held up the ticket and gave it The Kiss. You felt Just Like Heaven as tears started flowing from your eyes.

Now, now don’t do that here coz Boys Don’t Cry!

P.S. Remember to take some Pictures of You when you’re there!

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