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Vectors – Never In An E-Maths Question

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:00 pm (Singapore time)

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Miss Loi’s mouthful of words from yesterday’s E-Maths vector question covered, as mentioned, almost 75% of the A-Maths Vector syllabus.

The remaining 25%, then, is summarized in the following commandments:

If |u| = 1, u is known as a unit vector. The unit vector in the direction of a given vector a is a/|u|.

With the two simple statements above, unit vectors are forever cast within the exclusive domain of the A-Maths Vectors Club, thus depriving the relieved masses of E-Maths students from ever needing to waste a single brain cell on a question like this:

The vector vec{OA} has magnitude 85 and is in the opposite direction of (matrix{2}{1}{8 {-15}}). Express vec{OA} as a column vector. The vector vec{BA} is (matrix{2}{1}{{-35} 63}). Obtain the unit vector in the direction of vec{OB}.

IMPORTANT: To avert a tragedy, always double-check the order of the letters in the vectors and don’t drive in the wrong direction against the traffic!

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