No Miss Loi didn’t become a tycoon’s mistress overnight.

Private Candidates (Privatus Candidatus) tend to be a bit of an enigmatic lot in Singapore. Due to their … umm … ‘private’ nature, they are often wrongly perceived by the outside world to be loners, slackers, unmotivated, and unloved.
This stereotype came about simply because they don’t attend school. At least not with the ones on this mighty list anyway. And when they don’t attend school, the spread of their kind can be best expressed by a Poisson Distribution (don’t worry this is not in the O-Level syllabus).
To put this in plain English, that is to say, (assuming they are not friends to begin with) the probability of a private candidate meeting another private candidate in Singapore is roughly equivalent to that of a white Bengal Tiger finding its mate within the Sundarbans National Park boundaries.
Yes they are here, living amongst us. One of them might have shared a seat with you on the bus yesterday. One of them might even have been that idiot who ‘stole’ your taxi on that rainy morning. Despite their undoubted presence, however, sightings of a concentrated population of private candidates (actual exam days not withstanding) have been few and far between.
And this poses a problem for the fate of the average private candidate. The absence of fellow schoolmates to check answers with, act as sources of encouragement, cohesion etc. makes it difficult in terms of study discipline and motivation. The real danger is, of course, that the private candidate do not even know if he/she is studying the right thing.
So in order to prevent inbreeding ensure the long-term survival of this unique species, the venerable Miss Loi has decided to open the Temple Gates for another joss sticks session specially for private candidates taking their O-Level Maths this year:
Lesson Time: | Every Friday 1.00-3.00pm (Private Candidates ONLY!) |
Venue: | Miss Loi’s Temple |
Class Size: | Limited to 4 students |
Yes, rekindle the spirit of study camaraderie! Confirm once and for all whether that question will come out! Re-indulge in the joy of getting spoonfed by your helpful classmate with your stupid noob questions! No more lonely unloving nights!
Contact Miss Loi today!
Privatus candidatus of the world unite!