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Just Open Your Mouth And ASK

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:07 pm (Singapore time)

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All Singaporean students should watch this video *LOL*:

Perhaps this is why angmoh and cyborg students are always asking questions in class, while many Singaporeans sufffering from Acute Face-Loss Prevention Syndrome (oh my, we’re a disease-ridden bunch!) are finding it difficult to unseal their golden mouths to ask questions in class.

Miss Loi’s rowdy happening lively classes aside *ahem*, there are rumours of some classes these days resembling wakes (minus the coffins and the mahjong sessions).

Instead of reciting the old adage “You won’t know till you ask!”, Miss Loi shall say this:

You’ve paid your expensive school fees,
Now don’t let your teacher get away scot-free!

You won’t look stupid in front of your crush
Your heroic act may even make him/her blush
So fire at will all your questions to your ‘cher
And make him/her suffer!

More importantly a better student you will make,
Rather than letting your ‘cher become a Buddha statue at a wake!

Wow. Miss Loi is blushing at what she just wrote …

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