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Burning Joss Sticks In Semester II

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Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Temple aka Joss Sticks Tuition Centre from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:28 pm (Singapore time)

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As students march into the final leg of their epic journey to the O-Level exams this year, it is clear that the war is being waged on two fronts. Besides the eternal struggle with the LMBFH Syndrome within themselves, the invasion of the foreign cyborgs in recent years has created a new threat to their quest for that coveted Distinction.

A Foreign Cyborg

He scores > 90 marks every test.
Can you?

With reports springing up everywhere on cyborgs averaging 90+ marks per maths test, Miss Loi has told her students countless times that 75 marks is unlikely to get you that Distinction.

Hence Miss Loi’s Temple is now opening its Gates again for joss sticks sessions during this critical period. Available to all students taking their E-Maths and/or A-Maths O-Level exams this October, these weekly tuition sessions will ensure you go into your final battle LMBFH Syndrome-free and transform you into one mean scoring machine who is more than capable of fending off the attacks from the cyborg army!

Details/schedule as follows:

Lesson Times: Every Friday:
3.30-5.30pm (Slot I)
5.30-7.30pm (Slot II)

Every Saturday:
3.00-5.00pm (Slot III)
5.00-7.00pm (Slot IV)

Venue:Miss Loi’s Temple
Class Size:Limited to 4 students

As far as possible, students of similar results shall be grouped together to ensure a comfortable learning pace for all within the same slot. Contact Miss Loi now to confirm the most suitable slot for you!

More details are found in the Class Schedule Page. Do check back often for the latest updates.

Students, TRANSFORM and roll out!!!

IMPORTANT From past experience these sessions tend to fill up pretty fast so please, please contact Miss Loi now to confirm your early salvation!

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