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Miss Loi Featured On Wan Bao!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:31 pm (Singapore time)

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Miss Loi on Wanbao!

Miss Loi just achieved eternal tabloid status appearing on Lianhe Wanbao! And Miss Loi is now 罗姑娘! *lol!

Squeezed inbetween worldly headlines such as “Christopher Lee Released From Prison“, “Husband Suffers Stroke After Wife Beats Up Mistress“, “Woman In Undies Falls 17 Storeys In Kuala Lumpur“, is another earth-shattering article loosely translated as

“Tuition Center With Weird Name Called Miss Loi’s Temple”

So if you’re feeling bored tonight drinking your kopi si siew dai at your downstairs coffeeshop, with no one around to listen to your inspirational tirade against the local government, why not get a copy of tonight’s issue and check out Miss Loi’s little story?

Furthermore, Christopher Lee has just been released from prison you know?!

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