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The Secret Location of Miss Loi’s Temple

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Temple aka Joss Sticks Tuition Centre from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:11 pm (Singapore time)

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Many of you will know that the exact location of Miss Loi’s Temple is shrouded in secrecy, known only to students who have signed up for her tuition classes.

Miss Loi is not trying to be all mystical or funny. She hopes everyone can understand that as more people get to know about this blog, and being a delicate person with a timid heart, she would like to preempt the possibility of some un-student-like stalker (apart from their parents) appearing unannounced at her doorstep.

Unfortunately, despite being given the exact coordinates, some students are destined to get lost among the wilderness of Novena, and in danger of being waylaid and devoured by wild beasts in the form of other tuition agencies in the area (just joking here – no offence to any tuition centers in Novena!).

To that end, she has put up a series of signage for the purpose of guiding her flock of lost sheeps to the correct destination.

The First Sign

The First Sign To Miss Loi's Temple

You will see this sign soon after you exit from Novena MRT Station and turn round a corner. At this point you should be able to feel a gentle breeze of serenity upon your face as, indeed, salvation is near.

And yes, there really are 38 steps you need to climb.

The Second Sign

The Second Sign To Miss Loi's Temple

Halfway through your arduous 38-step climb, this second sign reassures you that you are indeed on the right path to enlightenment (and not on a wretched road leading to the wrong tuition center *joking again*).

The Final Sign

The Final Sign Just Outside Miss Loi's Temple

When you see this, you are standing just beyond the sacred Temple Grounds. The pull on your Mathematical consciousness by Miss Loi’s presence emanating from within, can be rather overwhelming at this spot.

Enter and be saved.

The Temple Gates

The Mythical Temple Gates

Finally. Looming before you are the mighty Temple Gates, where a mere glance at them is enough to reduce straight-As students to tears. The aura surrounding you here can be blinding, as you suddenly experience a positive surge of Mathematical prowess.

Pause, look in awe and pose for a few touristy photos while you can.

Enter & Be Saved

Now step inside, lots of joss sticks are waiting to be burned!

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