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Thank You Singtel

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:01 pm (Singapore time)

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Just in case the main message got lost amongst the babbling below, This website will be down this Sunday 17 June, 1-3pm (Singapore Time). Maybe even longer. The public is advised not to be alarmed.

Could these have actually brought down Miss Loi's mighty blog? Apologies to those of you who dropped by these two days only to wonder if this blog has been bombed (*oops* did she just used that word?) to oblivion. Apparently Miss Loi couldn’t access her beloved site (emails and all) either and was also wondering if it has been b— (*ahem*).

Soon enough, she received an update from her webhost containing some very, very profound explanations for the outages (see below).

A concerted effort from her webhost and her Trusty Webmaster in translating them into modern English led her to these revelations:

  1. Jφss Sticks actually resides in a “pan-Asian chain of world-class data network centres, owned, built and operated by SingTel … Offering a suite of top-grade Managed Hosting Telco services with complete end-to-end monitoring and management capabilities”
  2. Contrary to her initial thought, this “pan-Asian chain of world-class network centres” has not been “bombed to the point that for the next thousand years, not even a single lizard will survive”. Instead, the cause was more likely due to some stupid intern accidentally tripping loose some power plugs!
  3. Most importantly, to cater for the time needed for this stupid intern to hail one of the 20,000 taxis plying the streets of singapore *shuddles*, go to an electrical store in Jalan Besar to buy new plugs, and then have lunch at the famous Scissors Curry Rice, and then buy 4D/Toto … , and then trying to hail another one of the 20,000 taxis plying the streets of singapore, and finally returning at last to plug in the new plugs, this website will be down this Sunday 17 June, 1-3pm (Singapore Time)!

You have been warned, unfortunately.

Obviously they must have their own reasons, but Miss Loi couldn’t help feeling a little peeved at them for scheduling this relatively long downtime in a busy afternoon. Tsk tsk tsk!

Anyways, Miss Loi welcomes anyone who can help shed some further insight on this very, very profound explanation below.

The Very, Very Profound Explanation


Interim IR – Com III UPS Interruption – 14Jun07.doc 1
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Interim Incident Report
Reported by:
COM III Data Center, Level 2
Date of incident:
Time occurred:
Date/Time Reported:
14/06/2007 at 1414hrs
Date/Time Resolved:
14/06/2007 at 1416hrs
Review by:

Problem Descriptions:
14 June 2007
1414hrs – UPS fault alerts for UPS 2-3 and 2-4 were received by NOC. UPS 2-3 & 2-4 provide power to equipments hosted in COM III, Level 2 EXPAN Data Centre.
1415hrs – Onsite UPS engineer was activated immediately to check on the UPS.
1416hrs – UPS power was restored.
Review of the UPS logs shows that UPS 2-3 and 2-4 inverters were off at 14:14:41hrs and 14:14:42hrs respectively and the load was not transferred to static bypass source. The PCB controller (Control and Communication board) is determined to be faulty.
Immediate Resolution:
Immediate resolution to prevent the UPS from going offline is to replace the PCB controller:
1. 2 hrs maintenance window is required
2. Customer loads will be transferred to External bypass source so that replacement of the faulty PCB controller (Control and Communication board) and a complete test of the UPS systems can be carried out.
3. Customer loads on External bypass source will be supported by Raw power source during the maintenance period.
4. Due to the faulty PCB controller, there will be a power disruption of up to 10mins when the transfer of load to external bypass is performed.
5. The proposed maintenance window will be scheduled as stated below:
Date/ Time: 17/06/07, SGT 1pm to SGT 3pm
Recommendations to customer:
1. Customer is required to shutdown all their equipments before commencement of the maintenance window before SGT 1pm. (For those whom have subscribed to manage system services, Singtel will assist in the shut down of equipments on 17/06/07, starting from SGT 11.30am)
2. Once the faulty UPS parts are replaced and complete testing of the UPS systems are carried out, SingTel will inform customer via email/ phone to start up their equipments.
Interim IR – Com III UPS Interruption – 14Jun07.doc 2
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3. After the maintenance is completed, customer is required to start-up all their equipments. (For those whom have subscribed to manage system services, Singtel will assist in the start-up process.)
Feel free to contact us should you require further clarification.
We sincerely apologized for the inconvenience cause.

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