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Why Miss Loi Took Taxi Yesterday

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 12:33 am (Singapore time)

In case you’re wondering what made Miss Loi suffer the ordeal of waiting for a Singaporean taxi yesterday, that’s because her car was sent to the workshop to install solar films.

V-Kool Emblem

So now Miss Loi’s car is
supposed to be V. Cool!

What are solar films?

Having to travel more than 100km daily to her tuition locations, Miss Loi’s delicate and tender skin is constantly ravaged by vast amounts of exposure to direct sunlight in Singapore’s harsh climate. To maintain that youthful glow on her skin, she requires an extra layer of protection on her car’s windscreen and windows to reduce heat from the sun and block out those harmful UV rays.

Designed to do just that, solar films are very thin polyester-based products coated and laminated with different types of heat resistive compounds. With the ability of her chosen package to reject 99% of UV rays and 77% of Infra-Red, Miss Loi’s skin can truly become firm and radiant again.

V-Kool Sun Shade Strip

No need to use sun visors anymore
with this sun shade strip!

Did that just sound like some cosmetic ad??

Having installed the films on her car’s windscreen and windows, sun rays suddenly don’t feel that piercing and painful anymore. These are still early days but Miss Loi is quietly optimistic that her skin can really renew its youthful glow and truly become firm and radiant again.

In any case, Miss Loi is now really, really glad that she doesn’t need to try to hail one of the 20000 taxis plying the streets of Singapore!

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