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Functions – Dedicated to All Stubborn Students

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:57 pm (Singapore time)

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The title says it all. Today’s question is for all you stubborn (or lazy) buggers out there. This is an exam favourite that is almost certain to appear in either Paper 1 or Paper 2 or even both.

For various reasons, however, roughly 80% of Miss Loi’s students couldn’t get this right – most of the time purely down to plain stubbornness or laziness. Tsk!

Sketch the graph of h : x|1-(1/2)x| + 2 for -2 ≤ x ≤ 6.

State the range corresponding to the given domain.

To succeed in this question, first satisfy yourself that you really know what on earth is range and what is domain.

Next, R.E.A.D out loud 10 times to yourself the following three words: SKETCH THE GRAPH!!! Make sure you’re alone when you do this to avoid being sent to IMH.

Simple isn’t it? That’s what the question says right at the start anyway.

But do be surprised at the sheer number of stubborn students who cannot for the life of them accept having to sketch a simple graph in a functions question and instead insist on solving by substitution. Yeah yeah, it’s the era of thinking out of the box. You’re a non-conformist. It’s not cool to follow instructions … blah blah blah.

To these students, Miss Loi says “Go ahead!”. You might still get your answer (most often you don’t lol) but please do yourselves a favour by not trying such stunts under exam conditions when time is of essence. Try it instead when you’re alone on a Valentine’s night. Most exam questions are structured in such a way that you can complete in a reasonable amount of time provided you follow what they say.

This is not the Maths Olympiad!

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