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Damn! Screwed!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 6:53 pm (Singapore time)

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Boom … boom … boom … PORRRHK! … boom … boom … Suddenly an extra beat was remixed into the techno track that keeps Miss Loi alert when she was driving home after a long day of tuition last night. This was followed by an involuntary swerve to the left and Miss Loi had to hold on to the steering for dear life … as her life flashed before her eyes …

Ok enough of exaggerated drama. The sad truth was the psssst sound of her rapidly deflating tyre could still be heard when she stepped out of her car. At that point, Miss Loi was devastated because she knew she was going to miss her 11pm TVB drama on Starhub TV :(.

Being stuck in the middle of nowhere and not really familiar with the intricacies of changing tyres, it didn’t really help when there were not many motorists passing by and a centipede crawled centimeters from her foot. Just when a pack of wild dogs started to howl in the distance, Miss Loi finally managed to call someone to come down and save her!
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