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Miss Loi’s Day of Labour

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 10:24 am (Singapore time)

Errm … Happy Labour Day everyone. For Miss Loi, due to its proximity to the mid-year exams, today has always been her annual Day of Labour.

To illustrate this further, here’s a map of the route (click for larger view) that she will take today (the big question mark is just a rough indicator of where Miss Loi stays):

The Great Singapore Rally Circuit

Looks like the World Rally Championship has already arrived in Singapore while they are still mulling over F1 here. In fact sometimes she feels like a driver in the old Rally-X arcade game.

On such a day, her schedule is pretty tight and she is always in a hurry on the road so all you @#$%& road-hoggers on the right lane better beware and siam far far please do be courteous on the road and kindly give way to Miss Loi whenever you can.

So, from the map above, guess which of Miss Loi’s students drinks the most petrol?

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