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Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:26 pm (Singapore time)

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Last night when Miss Loi checked this blog’s log, she was surprised to find its traffic similar to a morning jam along the CTE. Unlike the CTE jam which is mainly due to merging traffic from the PIE, the majority of the traffic came from Tomorrow.sg. Soon it began to dawn on her that barely 1.5 months since its launch, Jφss Sticks has kenna tomorrow-ed*! *Ok Miss Loi shamelessly submitted the article herself but, hey still need to pass their editors ok?

Kenna Tomorrow-ed ... by myself! But before she could get up, spin around and do a little dance of joy, Miss Loi sadly discovered that she had inadvertently ignited the first little flaming session of her fledgling internet career.

Whatever the case, Miss Loi humbly hopes that everyone will chill off and we can all achieve … ermm … world peace *spoken with a Miss Universe-esque bimbatic voice*. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 人各有志. No point wasting your long weekend arguing over something as trivial as this.

Anyways since the question has got Einstein in it, Miss Loi shall leave you with an image of the Great Scientist himself, without whom the said equations might never have existed.

Albert Einstein or is he?

Now move five meters from the screen and take another look – who do you see now? 🙂

Enjoy your holiday!

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