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A Novel Way Of Doing Your Multiplication

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:03 am (Singapore time)

Updated on

Chanced upon this YouTube video on an interesting way of solving multiplication problems.

Admittedly, this is the first time Miss Loi is seeing this and she thought this might be useful for your anti-careless-mistake-checking procedure in E-Maths Paper 1 (where calculators are taboo).

But then again it’s now well past midnight and Miss Loi is too exhausted after a day of tuition to try this herself. As such she needs a volunteer immediately to try out 1298475326589 X 3055978070712 *types with eyes closed* and see if it works. First one to inform Miss Loi will stand to win a romantic dinner pair of movie tickets … errr … a big and much sought-after and emotional “Well Done & Keep It Up!” message from her.

Hmmm … wonder if they have something similar for division?

Thanks to this blog for the heads up!

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