In Singapore we all have to be maths students at some point in our lives. Being a Maths tutor, Miss Loi has witnessed first-hand over the years the
pain horror suffering problems afflicting especially those with little love lost between them and the subject.
The observation that struck her most is the vast number of students involved in last-minute studies, due to various reasons. Maths being a ‘black-and-white’ subject where you’re either right or wrong (as compared to essay subjects where you can ‘smoke’ your way through), last-minute study is tantamount to academic suicide for those who are not really adept at this dark art. It doesn’t help when many can’t even tell the important questions (where you really really have to know) from the challenging ones set by some egoistic over-zealous well-meaning teacher.
Let’s face it, unless you’re the anomaly in your class who often exalt the beauty of Fibonacci Numbers to your friends during recess time, nobody likes to spend time solving maths problems. Some of you would rather be reading blogs.
So over here at Jφss Sticks, the vision is really what the heading says. Besides *ahem* promoting Miss Loi’s exam papers and her tutoring services, and reading beyond all the mumbo jumbo about a certain Buddha’s anatomy, this blog basically strives to get students started in their regular study rhythm (in a fun and relaxed way, hopefully) as early as possible.
Miss Loi hopes to achieve this by posting important/challenging maths problems (picked from the tens of thousands she encountered throughout her tutoring career) along with tips tapped from her *ahem* vast experience with exams and papers. Peppering the in-betweens with some typical bimbo scandalous bitching light-hearted entries, the hopeful idea is for you to study-n-revise-while-you-surf-your-blogs.
The problem, then, is how to get the relevant students to find this blog?
For starters, Miss Loi have signed up for the mandatory Technorati, MyBlogLog and the intriguing networks.
As some of you might have noticed, this humble blog has only been around for about a month, and it’s been heartening to know that a small but steady crowd of readers (some of whom might not look like it but are actually over-aged students 😀 ) has actually formed.
Heck, it even reached the Top 3 of at one stage – right there amongst the sex-related and money-making blogs!
At this point, Miss Loi would like to thank all of you who had dropped by for the kind words and support. But clearly there’s still a long road ahead and she would greatly appreciate your suggestions and feedback – especially on how to get more students to read this blog!