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Revealing Equations In Their Full Glory

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:02 pm (Singapore time)

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Some of Miss Loi’s students have complained feedback to her regarding the way some equations are being displayed on this website. Frankly, Miss Loi agrees that it’s rather unintuitive and not in the best interest of both your mental and optical well-being to see something like this:

{sin (x)}/{cos (x)} = ({e^{ix}-e^{-ix}}/{2i})/({e^{ix}+e^{-ix}}/2)

The usual way would be to use an image to represent the above. But with equations coming in thick and fast, Miss Loi is too lazy often do not have the luxury of time to create images for all of them, and hence, due to the shortcomings of HTML, maths nerds geeks enthusiasts all around the world have long been deprived of the proper view of our beautiful equations on this website.

Until now.

Just the other day, Miss Loi’s trusty Webmaster told her a plugin has been found that can automatically create user-friendly images of equations out of what she normally types here.

With this plugin installed, Miss Loi just have to enclose the big mess above with a pair of <m></m> tags (or [pmath][/pmath] if you use Windows) and viola!!

{sin (x)}/{cos (x)} = ({e^{ix}-e^{-ix}}/{2i})/({e^{ix}+e^{-ix}}/2)

How cool is that!? Absolutely brilliant!

So now with her hands ‘untied’, Miss Loi can finally unleash her full fury of sadistic mathematical problems that include monstrosities like this:

delim{|}{{1/N} sum{n=1}{N}{gamma(u_n)} - 1/{2 pi} int{0}{2 pi}{gamma(t) dt}}{|} <= varepsilon/3

or this:


or even this:

delim{lbrace}{matrix{3}{1}{{3x-5y+z=0} {sqrt{2}x-7y+8z=0} {x-8y+9z=0}}}{~} delim{|}{matrix{3}{3}{a_{1 1} cdots a_{1 n} vdots ddots vdots a_{n 1} cdots a_{n n}}}{|}

As you can see, the possibilities are endless … muahahaha 😀

P.S. Yeah yeah probably some of you geeks might have already known this ages ago. Please spare a thought for the poor un-technologically-inclined Miss Loi ok?

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