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Maxima & Minima – A Semi-Circular Triangular Rectangular Affair

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:54 pm (Singapore time)

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To aid those who have run out of questions to do (your kind actually exist???), and as a form of (ahem) public service for the cause against the LMBFH Syndrome, Miss Loi will post here from time to time questions that she found (either during her daily tuition or by her own creation) to be challenging, interesting, important, introspective, deep, meditative , sadistic (haha) etc. etc…

Enough of lame intros, let’s kick-off with the first question!

A semi-circle is shown with diameter AB. Rectangle DEFG is drawn within triangle ABC. Given that AC = 8 cm and BC = 6 cm, find

  1. The perpendicular distance from C to AB.
  2. Let DG be x. Show that the area of rectangle DEFG, A m2, is given by
    A = 10x – (25/12)x2
  3. What’s the value of x for A to have a stationary value? Is this value of A a maximum or a minimum?

Answers on a post card please 🙂

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