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A Long-Overdue Bath

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:48 pm (Singapore time)

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As you might know, Miss Loi is always zipping round and round Singapore for her tuition assignments. With the frequent downpours of the past few months, her beloved ride has definitely seen better days.

With all the negative experiences surrounding commercial car wash here, Miss Loi has always insisted on DIY. However with unsightly grime building up the past few weeks and simply having no time (for the sake of her students 🙂 ) to do any self-wash, Miss Loi finally decided to visit one Queenstown Car Wash recommended by some car forums here.

They are situated within Queenstown Golf Club off Margaret Drive (behind the library) – a place Miss Loi has never heard before. It’s a spartan place consisting of a washing bay (with the usual jet hose) and a simple shed for drying/vacuuming.

Shiny Rims From Miss Loi's Ractis

Miss Loi’s 17″ rims are finally
*bling bling* after the car wash!

At $6, Miss Loi wasn’t expecting much but was eventually impressed at the care they took to wash/dry/vacuum the car. For starters, different cloth was used for body and rims. Minimal pressure was applied during soaping and drying (couldn’t find any new scratches afterwards) and they were meticulous in drying every crook and nanny. What impressed Miss Loi further was that they even cleaned her wiper blades and polished her tyres with a kind of gel that managed to survive yesterday’s downpour.

In the end, Miss Loi is glad that she has finally solved her ‘no-time-to-wash-car’ problem and would recommend this Queenstown Car Wash over their petrol station counterparts any day. In fact, she was quite surprised to see a mini-queue consisting of a Mercs, Mazda 3, and a Mini (haha) forming there in this ulu place at a weird time of the day.

And to top-off a nice afternoon, it had to rain the moment Miss Loi drove out of the place 😕

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