Greetings everyone!

Welcome to O Level Halloween Week, where the 2014 batch of students are being “trick-or-treated” to one of the most evil O Level timetables in recent memory.
As The Temple is dark and empty of students (who are probably listening to some radio for their Listening Comprehension) as I speak, I managed to hop out of the fridge unnoticed to discover this set of worked solutions on my Mistress‘ desk.
Click the button and grab it here if you dare …
Access it here if you’re having trouble accessing it on Facebook using your state-of-the-art smartphone 🙁
As usual, please, please leave a comment should you spot any mistake in the solution.
Notes from my Mistress:
- Before you ask questions like “I lost x marks in Paper 2, can I still get A1/A2/B3/B4/pass?” or “What is the cutoff for A1/A2/B3/B4/C5/C6/D7/E8/F9 this year?”, please understand that Miss Loi is NOT the Bell Curve Goddess.
- Please also understand that, unless things have changed, there is no half-mark awarded in O-Level Maths. Also it is nigh impossible for ECF if the part involved only carries 1 mark.
Congratulations for surviving the first day of Halloween Week! Hang in there!
P.S. Just found another note on my Mistress’ desk. I think this could be especially helpful to those of you who may simply be exhausted after this “evil” week.