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The Feeling Of Tear Gas In My Eyes

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 12:26 am (Singapore time)

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Seoul is a city of contrasts.

On one hand, you get kawaii teeny girls like Miss Loi shopping away in Myeong-dong with their favourite K-pop songs blasting away in the background, seemingly oblivious to events that had happened elsewhere.

Post-shelling Myeongdong

Peacetime shopping

On the other hand, just a couple of metro stations down the line, Miss Loi came face-to-face with battalions of riot police in full gear.

Seoul Riot Police More Seoul Riot Police

Miss Loi’s initial impression that this was some GI-Joe/Gundam-like performance for tourists was quickly dispelled when the situation became a little tense …

Standoff in Seoul

… and developed into what was a stand-off with a group of boisterous demonstrators (apparently something against South Korea’s ‘weak’ response to the North’s shelling of Yeongpyeong Island – NOT the romantic Yongpyong Ski Resort where a Harry Potter-like Bae Yong Joon met Choi Ji-woo in Winter Sonata – don’t think the North Koreans are that sacrilegious!)

Seoul Demonstrators

还我清白!还我 Yeongpyeong!

And then things got a little out of hand.

Pity the owner of that restaurant

Miss Loi thinks it’s really time for her to go home now. *rubs teary eyes*

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