Sorry to have kept everyone waiting, especially those who have been camping at the H2 Maths Paper 1 blog post.
Before that blog post’s comments section turns into a mini chit-chat lounge, here are the H2 Maths Paper 2 solutions that I’ve managed to get them done up despite my busy day (yesterday), with a little help from my siblings once again.

– click to download (Latest Version: 1.3)
Like students under exam pressure, I’ve done this under a bit of ‘pressure’ as well from the baying horde of “When will paper 2 be out?!”, “answers please!!!” etc. So, as with Paper 1, please leave a comment whenever you spot any mistake, typo and/or better/quicker/smarter methods (I really appreciate these! :)) and I’ll update the solutions as and when required.
Meanwhile, good luck for your remaining papers, and good morning to you if you’re seeing this the first thing on a bright Saturday morning!
As for me, it’s time for bed …