Miss Loi you must go to the hospital! Ask your boyfriend to send you to the hospital!
At the risk of this potentially-NSFW photo freaking out all non-Biology students visiting this site for maths pointers, may Miss Loi’s bloodied and half-dangling toenail warn all deeply-engrossed tutors/teachers pacing about the classroom with your stylish open toe wedges to be mindful of those 伤人不咱眼 (injure without the blink of an eye) 的无影脚 lurking underneath those seemingly serene-looking desks, especially if your happen to have big-footed students with long restless legs.
And should that happen, chances are you (like the professional Miss Loi whom she is) will be the only one in the room trying to focus on the topic that’s being taught, amid the cacophony of EEEEEKS! EWWWWWW! EIYEEEEER! AHHHHHHHH!, even as the poor toe gets bigger and bigger due to the swelling.
There goes Miss Loi’s pedicure appointment tomorrow.
Time to contemplate life with −1 toenail *sobs*