The nomination stage of the inaugural S’pore Blog Awards has reached fever pitch.
Since its inception a month ago, it has attracted a steady stream of nominations for blogs ranging from the critically-acclaimed to the critically lame.
And as a testament to the immense success of this campaign, their nomination list now resembles a weekend Toto queue at your neighbourhood booth, choked full of all of the 阿鸡阿狗阿猫 (lit. the chicks, the dogs and the cats) of Singapore’s blogosphere taking their solitary potshots at eternal online fame.

But like others before her, this particular 小猫 too fell victim to the beckoning lure of the bright lights of internet fame and hence, in true LMBFH fashion, decided to join the Toto queue register Jφss Sticks on the eve of nomination deadline.
After performing a series of complex probability and statistical calculations, taking into account factors like:
- The standard deviation of other bloggers’ levels of cuteness and sexiness
- The mean and median number of cute and sexy photos in other blogs
- The likelihood of scandals (as they tend to happen in the aftermath of all contests)
, she concluded that the path of least resistance lies in the Best Design Blog Category (with just 46 nominees at the time of writing), which offers the best chance of striking Toto being selected compared to, say, the Best Individual Blog Category (267 nominees at time of writing and rising fast), where bloggers currently live in Third World overcrowded conditions:

And so like a nervous Ah Lian joining her first pageant, Miss Loi proceeded to fill up the online registration form.
It didn’t help that the first field demanded her NRIC number. After deliberating for a year, Miss Loi finally decided to (grudgingly) disclose her age to them in the spirit of competition. *Hmmph!*
Next came the Blog Details section, which seemed straightforward enough to complete.
Last came the “Short description about yourself/your blog” section – that crucial area of the form which presents the opportunity for bloggers to execute their Level 99 hard-selling pitching skills imploring the judges to take a second look.
Following the tuition industry’s emphasis on personal testimonies, Miss Loi decided to string together a collection of some of the more … umm … encouraging comments from her dear readers.
So instead of a typical:
Hi I’m Miss Loi. I’m a
sexymaths tutor and this is my blog. I blog about maths, tuition, and anything under the sun. But in reality, I’m just a simple girl.
You might experience the unnerving feeling of seeing your own comment from your past life here:
With a satisfied smile on her face, she clicked the ‘Submit’ button and to her horror this is what’s currently showing on the nomination list:
Instead of Jφss Sticks, the title of this blog is now affectionately known by the utterly, utterly un-glam name of MISS LOI. And a certain Celine Loi has suddenly taken over as the author of this blog!
Checking back, she realized that in her haste she’d mistakenly took the form’s Blog Nickname field for Blogger’s Nickname.
But why on earth would a blog have a nickname?! To the best of her knowledge, Miss Loi hasn’t come across any blog that comes with an ‘official’ name and an accompanying nickname.
Maybe she should start to call Jφss Sticks Jossy from now on *shudders*
So there you have it. Please support Celine Loi of MISS LOI‘s fame in this year’s S’pore Blog Awards!
This new blogger Celine Loi now finds herself within the list of “heavier-weight” bloggers (nothing to do with her real weight okay!) on’s official blogs (here & here).
She was feeling really flattered to be featured alongside the likes of Blinkymummy and Eastcoastlife (albeit being way way way way way way way way down the list), but when she saw the blog positioned two places above hers …
But.. but my blog DO have a official name (dead cockroach) and accompanying nickname (peewee) wor...
But isn't dead_cockcroach your blog name and peewee the blogger's (i.e. you) name??? Unless your blog has another nickname si gar zua???
Wah! Luckily you are not my competitor as well.. Anyway. Good luck!
Hope you TIO ah!
Ehm where got last minute? Deadline is 8 June you know... 1 week more to go.
Last minute is to register your blog at 23:59 on 8th June 2008... THAT is really LMBFH master...
Just drop an email to the team. They will gladly amend for you.
Good luck. 🙂
Krisandro: Wah! Luckily you are not Miss Loi's competitor as well! Good luck to you too!
But Miss Loi just realized that she can actually submit to multiple categories leh ...
FoxTwo: Accordingly to their banner and their official blog deadline is today.
But now that you've mentioned it, the closing date at the main SG Blog Awards website says 8 June.
This is getting confusing.
Lol good luck Miss Loi. I'm sure you'll do well. All your posts are damn fun lo..haha..My blog is The Ignorantsoup..maybe nickname shall call it soupy. Haha.
how to vote arh? i wanna vote 4 u leh...
DK: Will probably do that, and at the same time ask them about the deadline confusion that led to this shameful LMBFH careless mistake.
She can almost hear her students laughing "Miss Loi makes careless mistake!" now 😕
Anyway, thanks and good luck to you and all Pingsters! May rule the awards night!
Soupy: No. Soupy is your nickname!
Thanks for your support. But looking at that forbidding list, Miss Loi is still relatively 'light-weight' compared to the rest (maybe this has to do with her real weight - the world is fair after all haha).
Clarion: According the rules, there will be two weeks of ruthless culling of all the stray 阿鸡阿狗阿猫 by prominent judges
representatives from the AVAbefore voting opens to the public.Hopefully this 小猫 can survive long enough for you to pick her up from the street.
Hi Ms Loi or shall I call you Jossy! kakakaka.....
aiyah.... dun take this too seriously. It is an exercise for the gahment to collect and identify the bloggers in Singapore! hahaha.....
My son sent in my application and so he was beaten until hospitalised. wahahahaha.....
Thanks for your message and prayers for my son. He's recovering. 🙂
ouch @ e trackback.
miss loi muz shang4 more xiang1 k! hope u win! 😀
ECL: Really, really glad to hear that Jaymes is feeling better now. Jossy needs him to protect her from the gahmen agents!
|c3^sNoW-chan: This shows that tutors make careless mistakes too. Sigh ...
Whoa Piang ... now the whole world know your h/p no :
93805290 liao ....
Better be my girlfriend now, so hamsom me can protect you .... heh heh
Whoa Piang hamsom bengz, that number has been plastered, choped and stamped on this blog since Day One!
do u seriously consider urself as sexy?
like seriously, or are you just ridiculously narcissistic?
@chi: Oooh ... since you asked ... *puts down mirror*
This whole 'Sexy Maths Tutor' thingy is the result of an old joke posted on an old community meta blog way, way back in 1 B.T. (1 year before the Temple was built)
There's actually a link to it within this old blog post but Miss Loi is extremely dismayed to discover that the original article (containing the joke) has been removed!
And now the origin of the Sexy Maths Tutor has been lost in time and will never be known! Oh noes!!!
Hi Ms Celine Jossy Loi, Sry for bumping this old 4-year-old post. I know this has nothing to do with Maths, but I'm really interested in your website's design(er), and sent you some emails about it.
Wondering if I can get a better respond from this comment box instead.
@SINGAPOREANLifeStyle: The Trusty Webmaster has just returned to answer your email questions - at the same time expresses hope that your interest in this person is purely design-related! 😛
Jossy Loi
@Miss Loi: @Miss Loi: Thnx so much for the non mathematical related help!
Anyway, we've got ourselves into Singapore Blog Awards 2012 as one of the Finalist too.
Hopefully we can share your glory 4 years ago, but competition is quite great.
It's been a long time since I've touched probability formulars, probability of winning, I think it's simply :
But since there are factors that we need to input for experiences, I don't know what needs to be added to the equation.
Anyway, we'll just try our best and use this as a good learning experience.
Similarly to academic experiences, every new knowledge gained is already "a win" for us.