We, your humble GCE O Level 2009 students
Thank you with our heart, our dear Heavens,
for standing by our side, throughout this week’s grueling fight.We thank you for the easy EMaths Paper 1,
despite a little debate on which tin is The One.
We thank you for another easy EMaths Paper 2,
despite ‘cheong hei‘ (long-winded) questions to snare those whoseEnglandEnglish is not that powerful.Some of us may begrudge you for AMaths Paper 1,
with a Page One that left many stunned.
Others may be grateful for a (slightly) less stressful AMaths Paper 2
though that binomial question left some of our rough paper like kiam chai cha lor ti (badly crumpled) too.Before the burning of maths books begin,
many rue what might have been,
when they run through the solutions below
But please point out to Miss Loi any mistake though 😀
O-Level October/November 2009 AMaths 4038 Paper 1 (left) & Paper 2 (right) Solutions – click to downloadThe pros amongst us who aim for A1 perfection
will pray that no significant digit nor careless mistake went undetected
While the mortals among us who simply aim to pass
will pray that everyone is asstupidmortal as us.
(Alright you know Miss Loi doesn’t mean this in the literal sense :P)For such is the curse of moderation
that causes such widespread selfishnessness in the name of competition.But give us the strength to let it go
and the inner belief to know
that we may have no regrets
as long as we have tried our best.For now we need to renew our efforts
to face two weeks of Humanities and Sciences.Speaking of this,
we wonder why Science & Humanities are lumped together next week?
And please ask the one who sets schedules for a living
why does the last maths paper always fall on the eve of Halloween???
The End
P.S. As usual, please inform Miss Loi should you discover any mistake (since she did this in haste at a cafe in Bugis Junction this evening). Feel free to discuss in the comments below should you vehemently disagree with any of the answers/approaches described within.
Hi Ms Loi,
The papers are over finally. 🙂
What do you think about the papers? The AM one is slightly harder (just a bit...) than last year's right?
Here's to hoping that A1 is >155 marks and A2 >145 marks. Actually I am hoping for A1 > 150 marks coz got a whole bunch of students hovering at 150-155... I bet it must be the same for you.
Would you care to join me in the mountain (specifically Gentings Highlands) to pray for leniency from the maths gods and at the same time gain more insight in the study of probability?
Once again all the best for your students.
Miss Loi, what do u think the A1 grade for Amath will be?? As in for the O Levels. Im super panicky right now coz im averaging an exact 90% for both papers. Isit sufficient to get an A1 or am i at risk??
Hi could you predict what grade i would get if my total percentage is about 66%.will i get a B3?
As usual, my A Math is poles apart from my Math. Sad but true.
Just asking.
For Amaths paper 2 plane geometry question.
I think there is another method workable.
A circle can be drawn using C as center passing through A and B.
Then angles in the same segment, QC=PC.
Then show the two angles equal and thus prove isosceles.
o.o ms loi seems to be mia-ing.. =P
oh my god! miss loi what do you think this year's AMaths distinction rate would be like? the paper was so tough!
P1 was pretty tough but p2 was somehow easier so it could pull up the marks..! But I think that the chances of getting a distinction are still slim..
Michael: Moved your comment here since you're talking about AMaths, and may it also serve as a reference to the fellow commentators below who are concerned about the grades cut-off 😉
Hi: Miss Loi has followed what you've described in your approach to come out with the following diagram.
As we are looking to prove that ΔABX is isosceles, are you attempting to prove ∠CAP = ∠CBQ as well? If so, care to point out which segment you're referring to coz these two angles don't belong to the same segment (or so it seems according to Miss Loi's limited 阴阳眼 right now).
cy: Lots of phone calls to make right now!
i need help in english