The skies have cleared. Greenery has returned to the lush plains of Novena, burying all traces of the terrifying war that has gone before, and the innocent chirpings of little birds can be heard once more.
While waiting for her students at The Temple, it dawned on Miss Loi that, beneath this facade of calm, things aren’t really the same as before.
For a start, she just found out that dancing and rapping are now mandatory requirements for company CEOs and directors. Strictly noone will be excused, even if you appear to be on the verge of your retirement age.
For Miss Loi personally, the journey to The Temple this morning was fraught with new ERP gantries, looming at every turn to entrap Miss Loi and relieve her cashcard of its value.

[Photo Credit]
During breakfast at her favourite coffeeshop, the price of her usual cup of kopi peng has risen by 10 cents.
was the curt reply from the once-friendly coffeeshop uncle when she had the audacity to question the wisdom of this increment.
Within the Temple Grounds, the aircon didn’t felt as cold as before, and she had to discard that impractical trench coat she bought from Shibuya 109, as her makeup ran a very real risk of getting ruined by the lines of sweat streaming down her face.
The water quality in Singapore must’ve changed as well, for she was having a seriously bad hair day after the hairwash last night (and still is).
Most importantly, however, the rules have been changed for the new academic year. And unlike before, only 10 short months stand between now and the time the Ultimate Enemy rises again.
But some things never change. Like an eternal battle between Good and Evil, a new generation of LMBFH Syndrome sufferers will be born, and the willing shall find Salvation and attain their Mathematical Nirvana through Miss Loi’s joss sticks sessions.
Speaking of which, one can almost hear a pin drop at times during yesterday’s inaugural joss sticks session for the new season. Students are always sooo reserved in the first lessons. ONLY in the first lessons.
Some things never change.
Aww you'll never have a bad hair day... you're the Sexy Maths 'Cher!!!
And, you know why the students are "reserved"? Cuz they're thinking "damn I'm studying in the middle of my HOLIDAYS! What a bummer".
It's only when they make friends in your class that they'll plot escape attempts and other more interesting stuff... (which I won't divulge *grin*)
Or, they could be in awe of your awesome-ness...
Using some inductive reasoning ...
1. All humans have bad hair days.
2. Sexy maths tutors are humans (some might dispute this).
∴ All sexy maths tutors have bad hair days.
And regarding being "reserved", you can throw that term out of the window now after this morning's session 😕
To a starry eyed male, even on the worst Bad-Hair-Day, it's discarded and you still remain the Sexy Maths 'Cher... 🙂
And yeah, SEE? They're starting to rebel now! Quick, quash the rebellion!
Poor students.
Poor Miss Loi 😛
Poor FoxTwo 🙁