Sadako Loi avatar

The After-MATH

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Sadako Loi at 11:55 pm (Singapore time)

Updated on
Temple Cave Paintings

Cave paintings from The Temple’s new inhabitants
carbon-dated to circa November 2010

The storm clouds swirled and danced ceaselessly in the blood red skies above, sending a bitter wind to flip wildly through the pages of a maths textbook that laid abandoned on the floor.

Crumpled pieces of paper and worked (and reworked) solutions laid strewn across the vast chamber, where a great army was raised and sent to a Great War just weeks before; where a deafening silence now lingered in place of the frantic sounds of incoming messages that once filled the air.

Pausing for a moment to survey the mess of discarded stationery before her, she could only imagine from the scribblings on the wall (and a hefty Starhub October phone bill found on the floor :() the events that happened on Black Friday

AMath can get A1! 🙂

Ya quite good!

I found this paper relatively better than Paper 1.

Only the kinematics I dun know other than that I’m quite confident 🙂

Reasonable. Plane Geometry first part a little hard. Careless a bit in integration. Overall A1 should be achievable.

Hi Ms Loi, sorry for replying late. I had pure chemistry paper 2 also today … I found the AMath paper a little challenging. I found the velocity a bit difficult. But the other questions were fine. How did the other students find the paper?

Like *BEEP*!!! (Miss Loi: !!!)

I’m sad cause I’m sick and I used up like 20 min in the toilet. And the invigilator looks like you. (Miss Loi: ???!!!)


A loud sound came from the direction of the Temple Gates, where she quickly arrived to find a student slumped against it.

Miss Loi … Miss Loi …

Sadako Loi No I’m Sadako, an intern tutor here. My Sensei is busy with her phone calls right now. Are you OK?

Tremblingly, he raised his battered face to look at her.

Sadako Loi Boy Boy! What happened to you?!

I fell victim to the Polygonic Parasite X in EMaths Paper 2. I got a lot of my part (i) answers wrong which consequently destroyed my parts (ii) and (iii). Following which I was severely maimed by the acid rain that fell on Friday afternoon, and mutated by biological warfare on Wednesday! *cough cough*

Sadako Loi I have to take you to the doctor now!

No it’s too late for that now … I played too much … Facebooked too much … I left it too late … you came to me too late. Only now … at the end … do I understand … *cough*

Mustering all his remaining strength, he thrusted a piece of paper into her hand.

Girl Girl, take this! Take this and pass it to your Sensei! It contains my mother’s number … get her to call her! My younger sister is taking her ‘O’ Levels next year … I do not want her to … end … up … like …. me … *MIGHTY COUGH*

Sadako Loi No no no! Boy Boy we still have to go to Bugis Junction to take our Neoprint! You can’t just leave me like this!

In the next moment, his eyes rolled back, convulsed a couple of times, and went limp in her arms.

As if on cue, a loud clap of thunder was heard, and a light rain began to fall. Cradling the fallen student in her arms, an ice cold tear rolled down her ghostly cheek as she reached out with her palm to slowly close his half-opened eyes …






To those on the Wait List aka 名册

The Wait List

Miss Loi is normally way more organized than this

To reduce the likelihood of similar convulsing episodes from happening next year, Miss Loi is almost done calling up everyone on her wait list, except students who are in Sec One next year, for classes which will commence on December 2010.

All students (or parents of students) who will be in Sec One next year will be contacted after the release of the PSLE results on 25 November 2010. Please note that Miss Loi will make her disappearance act be away 17-29 November 2010.

If you have contacted Miss Loi earlier (via SMS, missed call, email etc.) and have been waiting patiently (while rocking back and forth forlornly on your rocking chair) for her to call back, Miss Loi is terribly sorry about this and would gently request that you call her again (Tel: 9380 5290) if you have not heard from her by now (sorry there’re >60 on the list plus lotsa missed calls).

Before you call though, please note that

  • Miss Loi is NOT accepting any more students for private home tuition.
  • Miss Loi does NOT offer any trial lesson.

Thanks for your understanding and hear from all of you soon!


Revision Exercise

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Comments & Reactions


  1. Amanda's Avatar
    Amanda commented in tuition class


    Nooo seriously the invigilator looked like you. She kept walking to where I was sitting (cause I was sitting in a "special" seat) to look at my work.

  2. Nash's Avatar
    Nash commented in tuition class


    Aiyooh... Sadako's boy boy was defeated by a parasitic angle and a bunch of bloodthirsty numbers. D=

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