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A Facebook Friend In Need Is A Facebook Friend Indeed

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:53 am (Singapore time)

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The moonlight danced off her long black hair, casting an eerie Pantene sheen in the still of the night.

Like a vengeful spirit she roamed, from profile to profile, group to group, and page to page, as she hunted relentlessly for someone only she would know.

Wandering into an unfamiliar page, her prey was finally spotted.

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Sadako Loi We meet again.

Miss Loi EEKS! Sadako! Why are you here? 7th Month is long over!

Sadako Loi Like some of your students, I played too much during my September break and missed the closing of the Gates to the Underworld. As a result, I’m now trapped in Limbo here.

Miss Loi Orbi Goot.

Sadako Loi Because of this, I will miss my Entrance Exam for Reincarnation in a month’s time.

Miss Loi Orbi Goot! Sadako Chiak Chooroot!

For the first time ever, a hint of stress betrayed Sadako’s emotionless face.

Sadako Loi With reincarnation slots at a premium, competition amongst the Underworld’s inhabitants to excel in the critical Entrance Exam is fierce.

The schools down there are overcrowded. The teachers are struggling to control all the little imps and devils in class, and with their school’s Dark Lords constantly breathing down their necks, they can hardly find time to focus on teaching.

As a result, most of the imps have private lessons outside, and many teachers are asking them to go for private lessons if they cannot cope. That’s why the private academies – from the Maths centre run by Pythagoras, to the joint Physics venture by Einstein and Newton, to the Mother Tongue institute owned by Confucius, are flourishing.

Suddenly, Sadako sank to her knees.

Sadako Loi Oh Miss Loi! Will you be my Sensei? As our syllabuses are similar, if I do well in the ‘O’ Levels here and burn the certificate as an offering to the Underworld Exams & Assessment Board (UEAB), I can use it to bypass the Entrance Exam to attain reincarnation into a next life of my choice!

Help me Miss Loi! You are my only hope! I don’t want to be left behind by the system and exist eternally as a wandering spirit!

After all the havoc and mischief she caused last year, and having not personally been to the Underworld herself (CHOY!), Miss Loi is a little skeptical of her claims.

Miss Loi Sadako, we’re now only a little more than a month away from the ‘O’ Levels. This is the period when my students are at the stage where they are supposed

  • to be practicing to solve their sums independently and not depend on prompting from Miss Loi
  • to be training on their speed of solving questions.
  • NOT to stare at/wait for Miss Loi when stuck at a question, but instead learn to continue to the next question and come back later.
  • to be strong in their basics and NOT ask the same old fundamental questions again and again.
  • to wipe that smirky, complacent haolian smile off their faces for those who have done well in their prelims (or who’d already sneakily secured a place through DSA), coz that smile had proven to be the downfall for many in the past.

… in addition to the cheong hei stuff that had been said in the past.

The Jφss Sticks Society

Miss Loi paused to take a breath.

Miss Loi For the rest, I happen to have just created The Jφss Sticks Society – a place meant for all to burn virtual joss sticks and view my TYS solutions, to post a question or two on the Discussion Board (and hope/pray that someone answers in time), and simply a place to gather and put your arms around each other’s virtual shoulder in these testing times.

But as it is, I’m currently swatting flies at the place.

Miss Loi turned to look at Sadako.

Miss Loi So Sadako, if you’re sincere about this, find me at least 100 persons to “Like” the page and I’ll be your Sensei for this O Level.

So please head over to The Jφss Sticks Society Facebook Page and click Facebook Like to help Sadako achieve her reincarnation, and hopefully this will put an end to her freaking out other people in the future!


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  1. munak's Avatar
    munak commented in tuition class


    lets hope Sadako passes for reincarnation! two cheers!

  2. mathslover's Avatar
    mathslover commented in tuition class

  3. Abigail's Avatar
    Abigail commented in tuition class


    I think you're making an "alter ego" (like I did for Jack Last in the Internet Marketing Fiasco (IMF) which I have been writing about on my blog).

    Ha. It's a small world after all.

  4. Sadako Loi's Avatar
    Sadako Loi Friend Sadako Loi on Facebook commented in tuition class


    We're almost there! Boing boing

    *prepares to scale down on crawling out of screen activities*

    BTW Sadako Loi ≠ Miss Loi. It's true.

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