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The Little Tutor: Prelude

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:11 pm (Singapore time)

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She said she wanna follow your footsteps and become a tutor – can shop & shop and no office politics!

The student’s parent’s SMS arrived while Miss Loi was doing some housekeeping of her email inbox, when she chanced upon one of a number of old emails along the lines of …

Hi Miss Loi,

I am toying with the idea of private tuition. I wish to seek your advise as to how did you start out as a private tutor? What steps did you take to become so successful? I am a Math tutor myself …

That brought a moment of reflection, as she slowly looked up from her 56.com & MySoju-cluttered laptop screen to stare out of her window into the night, where faint constellations in the sky slowly gave way to a scene from the years gone by …


… a phantasmagoric scene of endless rows of trees repeated itself like the rapidly flipping pages of a book, as she looked out with dreary eyes from the dusty window at the back of the car, with the lingering taste of that last meal of Bak Kut Teh still fresh in the mouth.


ENGLISH SUBTITLES: You go catch some sleep. We’ll be there in a few hours.

said Dad as his latest dare-devil attempt to overtake the stubborn truck ahead failed in the face of oncoming traffic in the narrow pothole-ridden two-lane ‘highway’.

So she closed her eyes again, and subsequently lost count of the number of times she drifted in and out of sleep, haunted by vivid scenes from the previous toilet break that resembled some grand WWII naval battle, awaking each time to be greeted by the same shuttering sequence of trees, the same endless bumpy highway, with the same stubborn truck still ahead.

To be continued


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  1. mathslover's Avatar
    mathslover commented in tuition class


    The clue about Miss Loi from Malaysia is here!!

    1. journey that takes hours
    2. journey by car only
    3. language spoken by her dad


  2. Miss Loi's Avatar
    Miss Loi Friend Miss Loi on Facebook @MissLoi commented in tuition class


    Especially in the morning rush hour, some places in Singapore

    1. can take hours to reach as well
    2. can only be reached by car i.e. no bus stop/mrt/can't get a cab

    Also, Dad's language can be heard throughout Chinatown 😉

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