The candle flame danced to a frenzy as the crooning voice of Teresa Teng’s 《The Moon Represents My Heart》 filled the air.
Holding the lithe figure of the maths tutor close to his battle-scarred chest, the Ah Beng hadn’t felt such indescribable joy in his life, not even when he defeated his arch-rival gang leader in a gang fight.
Gently lifting her chin to peer into her childlike face, he knew tonight belonged to them and them alone, as their lips slowly drew closer …
When he woke up from his drunken stupor, the strained voice of 王傑’s 《是否我真的一無所有》 filled the air.
A year had passed since the day he tried and failed to buy her that $12000 diamond ring, for with the current recession, he was unable to raise the money despite beating all his debtors to a pulp.

Oh if only she knew about the countless times he ‘reserved’ a parking lot for her via a dustbin, so that she didn’t have to hunt for one each time she came for tuition.
If only she was aware of the countless parking attendants he had chased away with his chopper, for he knew that she always tore her parking coupon to start 15 mins later.
If only she knew about the protection money he had paid to rival gangs, to ensure her safe passage through the rough neighbourhood.
Determined not to spend another lonely Valentine’s Day this year drinking 闷酒, the Ah Beng decided to end his agony once and for all by bravely asking her out on a date.
With his traditional mind, he could only think of impressing her with a big bouquet of 881 roses and treating her to a romantic candlelight dinner at his local nightclub. Anxious to find out if his idea would work, and applying his new-found knowledge he picked up from eavesdropping the tutor’s Sets & Venn Diagrams lesson last week, he gathered all the girls at his local nightclub for an impromptu survey.
In a group of 350 women he surveyed,
200 of them like roses on Valentine’s Day.
230 of them like candlelight dinners on Valentine’s Day.
Find, by means of Venn Diagram(s),
- the smallest possible % of women who like both roses and candlelight dinners.
- the largest possible % of women who like neither roses nor candlelight dinners.
If the results of this survey were to be believed, should the Ah Beng carry out his plan?
With the migration of Sets and the bubbly circles of Venn Diagrams to the new E-Maths Syllabus, EMath students now need to familiarize themselves with the basic notations and concepts stated at the end of this old A-Maths post
For this particular problem, when you’ve been asked to find the smallest/minimum or largest/maximum sizes of certain unions and/or intersections of two sets A and B in a Venn Diagram, the first thing you’ll need to consider are the three possible scenarios that can occur in a Venn Diagram involving two sets A and B.