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Trigonometry – You’re An A1 Student If You Can Prove This!

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:00 pm (Singapore time)

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In case you’re wondering, the previous trigonometry proving question here was just a warm-up. This then, guys and gals, is the real deal. If you can prove this, you are A1/A-List/Elite (or whatever honour our society decides to bestow upon you) student material and Miss Loi will kneel down and kow-tow to you!

Just joking lah – Miss Loi’s poor tender forehead will become blue-black if this happens!

Prove the following trigonometric identity:

    \[ \frac{\tan x+\sec x-1}{\tan x-\sec x+1} \equiv \sec x+\tan x \]

P.S. If you’re (predictably) stuck, think of how you rationalize your surds. If it’s of any comfort to you, Miss Loi was stumped too when she first saw this 😛

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