A quick hippety-hop onto an antiquated transport
Brought her to a sacred island by the sea.
Where prayers are supposedly answered,
Mandatory touristic shots taken,
And the ubiquitous locals at ease with visitors.
Save for the usual egoistical males.
Feeling energetic,
Miss Loi made an attempt for the summit
To seek out an eternal flame.
Ok she cheated along the way 😛
The view from the top was a bit hazy,
As she checked out the latest hiking gear based on sophisticated Japanese technology.
Life’s pretty untroubled now.
Compared to sixty-two years ago, when an entire city was obliterated in an instant
By a flash from the sky, as our history textbooks say.
These days it’s a City of Peace.
A testament to mankind’s inhumanity.
A memorial to those (civilians, women, children and all) whom our history textbooks didn’t say.
One can only hope their lives were not given up in vain.
For each generation must always remember
That Peace is never overrated
And that we are all like fragile paper cranes
At the mercy of those who choose to walk away.
There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal Death.
Albert Einstein
You're BACK?!
YAY!! *runs and jumps onto missloi*
ちかん! ちかん! 非礼啊!!!
Welcome back to the red dot, what camera you using ah? The shot looks gd leh~
Hmm actually i find the atomic..slaughter to be a good cause. During that time the Japanese were rather egoistic; believing they were better then the western powers. It was only after the atomic display then they came to their senses. So per se it was actually a good thing albeit controversial. Causalities of war.
They were taken using an antiquated Canon Powershot G3. Don't think the photos are anything to shout about. If you look closely, you can even see some specks of dirt from the lens!
Was hunting for a new cam in Tokyo - but prices weren't spectacular 🙁
Good cause, bad cause ... whatever the case, history has always been written by winners.
anyway how was japan? After all its the only country that has a.... "penis festival", if you get what I ment LOL.
Come on Miss Loi, I'll bring you to Sitex and you can pick a nice camera.... *wink*
Kiroii, umm ... think the weather's a bit too cold for that particular festival.
F2, are you an expert in cams? Still looking for one that's fast, with a wide angle lens, and comes with a swiveling LCD screen so that Miss Loi can take sneaky photos of people when they're not looking 🙂
Expert? ehhhh I wouldn't say that, not a photography buff. But, if you want a swivelling LCD screen, I just happen to own one - an old, circa 1999 Sony Digital camera. 2.1 megapixels (very high end back then) DSC 50. Want it? 😀
Since then, I haven't seen any digital cameras with swivelling LCD screens. Not on modern cameras anyway. As for wide angle lenses.... you're probably looking at Nikon or Olympia cameras.
Sorry Miss Loi I can't impress you in this area... I'm a geek (that sucks at math), not a photography buff.... sighz....
Wah F2, your 2.1 MP 'very high-end' swiveling LCD Sony cam is even more antiquated than Miss Loi's 4 MP 'moderately high-end' swiveling LCD Canon G3!
Actually Miss Loi did come across two models with swiveling LCDs in Akihabara (Tokyo's Sim Lim Square). They're both from Canon (think one model is called S5 IS or something - should be easily available in Sin too) but found them to be a little slooow.
Hahah actually 4 megapixels is more than enough for a typical user. My current camera is a Canon too, the Canon Digital Ixus 60 (no it's no longer "very high end"). It's 6 Megapixels, but I set it for 2 Megapixels. I don't forsee ever printing pics anything larger than A4 size, so 2 Megapixels suffice.
Besides, even my monitor resolution is only 1280x1024 (about 1 megapixel, 1280 x 960), which is LESS than 2 Megapixels (1600 x 1200). So, even if I had wanted to use any of my pics as a wallpaper, the extra pixels are wasted and the computer will resize the pic down and might cause jaggy edges if the resolution is too high.
I also don't forsee myself getting another digital camera unless this Canon dies and cannot be revived. Same thing for my phone camera - it's 3.2 Megapixels but I fixed it for 2 Megapixels. Extra resolution just waste space on the memory card 🙂
(sorry for all the geek stuff, just illustrating a point)