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Anybody Wanna Drink Before The War?

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:01 pm (Singapore time)

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As prophesized, the enemy made their opening charge at 2.30pm this afternoon. By the evening, our scouts had returned with great tidings from the frontline! The Temple walls held firm, and many topics were slayed!

It was easy. But some say too easy. Many now fear a backlash tomorrow.

Now that the enemy has retreated and are regrouping as we speak, Miss Loi shall list here the topics that you can expect to face tomorrow:

  1. Permutations & Combinations
  2. Logarithm & Indices
  3. Kinematics
  4. Small Increments & Approximations
  5. Binomial Theorem
  6. Functions, and more Functions
  7. Relative Velocity
  8. Trigonometry – Proving of Identities
  9. Trigonometry – Angles
  10. Gradients, Tangents and Normals
  11. Coordinate Geometry
  12. Matrices (Application)

Hail to all who had fought well for the Cause today! For those who had stumbled, all is not lost, as the long siege has only just begun. Rest well tonight, for another fierce battle awaits you tomorrow.

All the best again!

Temple Ema

Students’ O-Level wishes on a Temple wall
swaying gently to the air-con breeze,
like Japanese ema boards at a Shinto shrine

The skies darkened. An icy breeze ruffled an ungodly calm that hangs over the plains, as a vast shadow falls across the land.

Millions of campfires dot the landscape beyond the Temple Gates, as the massed legions of our Ultimate Enemy ready themselves for the blitzkrieg that will commence tomorrow afternoon.

This is it.

The culmination of your efforts, sweat and laughter all these years. Time to fulfill (or even exceed) your wishes that are hung up on The Temple‘s wall. Time to prove your naysayers wrong. Time to beat that foreign cyborg in your class. Time to fulfill your destiny.

Some of you may still be reeling from your last battle with the Dark Lord Preliminario (and the countless silly mock exams), and are weary from the toil of this long, hard campaign. Yet tales from warriors of yore offer hope that, free from the shackles of our elitist local institutions, the Ultimate Enemy is often an easier foe than Preliminario himself.

For they wouldn’t know if you’re an elite or a neighbourhood kid, or a prototype from one of MOE‘s twisted concoctions, or if you teacher had “given up” on you, and how many lessons you pon-ed last semester, or how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ a student you are.

For in their eyes, all of you start with a clean slate.

So when you take up your positions on the ramparts tomorrow, fear not thy enemy and their questions. Score maximum hits by first answering all questions that you’re certain you can do, and then making sure you have the time to double-check the answers to these questions.

Should the enemy launch a Level 99 super-duper fireball at you that you know you can’t repel, MOVE TO THE NEXT QUESTION. Let the fireball kill those who don’t. Keep moving.

Should you get waylaid and ambushed by the enemy at a seemingly routine question, jump out of the trap and MOVE TO THE NEXT QUESTION. Come back when you have the time. Keep moving.

As you brace yourselves for the long siege ahead, let these be Miss Loi’s parting words to you and may you remember them well in times of need:

  • For simultaneous equations, remember to substitute your values back into the original equation to double-check their correctness.
  • For questions that involve lots of calculation e.g. definite integrals, please write out your workings step-by-step, so that it’ll be easier for you to check your workings later, and to still get some working marks should your final answer be wrong. Don’t jump any step, and don’t just ‘press’ all your calculations into the calculator!
  • After you’ve completed the square, make sure you expand out the equation to ensure the equation is still the same. Because if it isn’t, the whole thing will be wrong!
  • For ranges and domains, please don’t be stubborn and draw out the curve!
  • If there’s anything you should memorize again before you enter the exam hall, they should be all your special trigonometric angle values e.g. sin 30o, cos 60o, tan 45o etc.
  • When you can’t find the solution for a quadratic equation, always remember your friendly {-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac}}/{2a} formula.
  • Please do not abandon the question and leave it blank if you can’t prove the formula in a maximum & minimum problem! There’s usually another part 2 below for you to score marks using the proven formula in part 1!

Now that all is said and done, and the beating of war drums has just begun, let it be known that in your most desperate times and darkest hours, Miss Loi shall be there with you in spirit and in soul, and that you shall never walk alone.



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